Useful Clinical and Suicide Prevention Links

Useful Clinical and Suicide Prevention Links:

Welcome to our TISA recommendations for outstanding links. Hopefully, the following suggestions will provide a useful introduction to the sometimes bewildering number of mental health links available on the web.

Shawn Shea, M.D.,
July 2017

Outstanding Web-Links

Simple and Practical Mental Health (with Rajnish Mago, MD)

A special note from the Director of TISA: There are some very nice free resources here for clinicians and patients. But I really want to draw attention to the aspect of this website that requires a subscription, for it is truly valuable. With subscription, Dr. Mago provides concise, short, remarkably useful daily tips for immediate use regarding psychotropic medications and their side effects as well as other aspects of clinical practice. I find them to be extremely useful. He also has an informative series of interviews with experts in the field of mental health assessment and treatment, some of which are free without a subscription. I truly feel that his site is a quite remarkable resource and can sincerely give it my highest recommendation.

The Social Work Podcast (with Jonathan Singer, PhD

A special note from the Director of TISA:  Here is another super site.  Dr. Singer is not only a well- known suicidologist and outstanding clinician, but he is also a great creator of podcasts. His interviews are insightful and filled with practical clinical information that one can apply immediately.  I can’t recommend this site highly enough to any clinical in the field of mental health no matter what their discipline.

Speaking of Suicide

Alliance of Hope for Suicide Loss Survivors

Survivors of Suicide

Suicide Awareness Voices of Education

Psych Central

Behavior OnLine

Mental Help. Net

Counselor: The Magazine for Addiction Professionals

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