Award-Winning Keynotes, Workshops, and Webinars

Featuring Shawn Christopher Shea, M.D.

To see descriptions (including video excerpts) of Dr. Shea’s many in-person workshops and keynotes scroll down or click here.

For more comments from workshop participants click here.

Flexibility: Dr. Shea may be brought to your institute, clinic, symposium, or annual professional or suicide prevention meeting for keynote addresses or full-day workshops on suicide prevention and/or advanced clinical interviewing. In addition, educational formats can be individualized to create half-day programs or multiple-day retreats. In his talks, Dr. Shea pulls from his classic text in suicide prevention – The Practical Art of Suicide Assessment – and from his award winning book –  Psychiatric Interviewing : the Art of Understanding, 3rd Edition.

After perusing Dr. Shea’s didactic programs below, be sure to check out the Level 1 and Level 2 Certification Trainings on the Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE Approach) offered by TISA the only organization authorized to provide certification in the CASE Approach.

Dr. Shea also provides consultations on suicide prevention protocols, documentation of risk, and quality assurance design and training regarding suicide prevention on an organizational level.

Dr. Shea training Mental Health Professionals at a workshop

Full-Day Trainings for Clinicians
(Four 1.5 Hour Workshops Per Day – Provided by Dr. Shea)

Full-Day Training for the Military and Vets (Provided by Dr. Shea)

Full-Day Training for School Counselors and University and College Counseling Centers (Provided by Dr. Shea)

Audio Excerpt Format

Major Symposium: Hear Dr. Shea presenting at the Psychiatric Congress. Excerpt from his popular keynote, “The Art of Matrix Treatment Planning: Suicide Prevention in a New Light”.

Video Excerpt #1

Small-Group Interactive:  See Dr. Shea presenting his highly acclaimed workshop, “Language as Healing: Transforming Angry Moments in the Therapeutic Encounter”.

Video Excerpt #2

Large Audience Format: See Dr. Shea presenting a compelling variation of his keynote, “The Art of Matrix Treatment Planning” for the Annual Meeting of the New Hampshire Youth Suicide Prevention Assembly sponsored by NAMI of New Hampshire.

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