A Few Tips for the Closing Phase of the Interview

Mar 10, 2017

“Art begins when a man wishes to immortalize the most vivid moment he has ever lived. Life has already, to one not an artist, become art in that moment. And the making of one’s life into art is after all the first duty and privilege of every man.”

Arthur Symons
Symbolist Poet and Critic,
Victorian Era

A Few Tips for the Closing Phase of the Interview

TISA Description of the Problem: As we close the initial interview, with the tight time constraints of today, there is invariably information that is missing. As clinicians, it can be tempting to ask a few more questions that we feel may be of value. Interestingly, as Judson Clark, R.N. demonstrates below, it may be the client who has a better idea of what missing information may be of the most value.

Tip: When wrapping up the interview, I find the following questions to be of value, for they give the client the voice to determine how best to use some of the remaining time as well as making sure the interview doesn’t seem to have a dismissive conclusion:

“As we are wrapping up getting acquainted this morning, what else would you like me to know about your?”


“As we are wrapping up, is there anything else you would like me to know about you?”

TISA Follow-up: I believe that both of these questions by Judson are valuable for both obtaining potentially important information and for continuing to nurture a person-centered interview. An interviewee determined not to share a secret will probably still not share it at this moment. On the other hand, an interviewee, who was tempted to share his or her secret earlier, but had not, may opt to do so at this moment secondary to the openness of the interviewer, the genuine quality of the interviewer’s invitation, and the fact that it is his or her personal choice to do so.

Tip provided by:

Tip provided by: Judson Clark, R.N.

TISA is a site dedicated to advancing the science and art
Of preventing suicide and teaching clinical interviewing