Critical Acclaim
Praise from across disciplines for Psychiatric Interviewing: the Art of Understanding (now in its second edition)
“A highly crafted book on interviewing which impressed me with the remarkable ways in which it is truly comprehensive. The chapter on personality assessment is a rich blend of gathering valid diagnostic data while simultaneously attending to the patient’s feelings and needs. It is a remarkable introduction to the assessment and diagnosis of personality disorders.”
Juan E. Mezzich, M.D., Ph.D.
Secretary General
World Psychiatric Association
“Practical, sensitive, and comprehensive . . . The chapter on handling resistance and awkward questions provides a wealth of practical suggestions for students in mental health from social work to psychiatry.”
Carol Anderson, M.S.W., Ph.D.
Author of Mastering Resistance – A Practical Guide to Family Therapy
“Psychiatric Interviewing: the Art of Understanding is wonderfully, intelligently written, and Dr. Shea’s compassion for those suffering with mental illnesses is apparent in every chapter. The book offers a great deal of useful and practical information. It should be required reading for all schools that teach mental health professionals.”
Linda Chase, M.S.W.
“A rare model of painstaking scholarship and pragmatic understanding.”
Stanley D. Imber, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
“This is a book I wish I could have written . . . can be read with interest by expert and novice alike.”
Arthur Wiens, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology Review
” The book is rich with case presentations, vivid clinical dialogues, theoretical eclectisism, personal wit, clinical acumen, and undeniable readability. I can’t think of any other book that my graduate students enjoy as much, or talk about with more enthusiasm. In my view Psychiatric Interviewing: the Art of Understanding is unequivocally the best beginning text for mental health professionals, no matter what their discipline.”
David A. Jobes, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
The Catholic University
“An eminently readable and practical book that can help the reader gain essential skills efficiently and enjoyably. Shea’s book is not only a wonderful learning tool, but a book suffused with a humanistic spirit.”
Patricia Ver Ellen, M.D.
Psychiatric resident
“Rich with sensitive observations and practical suggestions and enlivened by frequent examples of diagnostic interview.”
Transactional Analysis Journal
“A marvelous text on an aspect of psychiatry that often does not receive as much attention as it deserves.”
Hospital and Community Psychiatry
“Rich in information, wisdom, humor, and charm, this book teaches not only interviewing skills but also the attitudes and behaviors that underpin the therapeutic personality and process.”
American Journal of Psychiatry
“For mental health professionals this book is a must read. The writing style is fluid, fast paced, and stimulating. I recommend it without reservation to all nurses and students of nursing.
Joan Kyes, M.S.N.
Author of Basic Psychiatric Concepts in Nursing
“Provides a well-balanced synthesis of many approaches from various schools of psychiatry, psychology and counseling . . . written with eloquence and humor.”
British Journal of Psychiatry
“Year in and year out, one of the most popular, if not most popular, required textbooks for our master level students in counseling. Superbly practical yet filled with a sense of compassion.”
Judi Durham, A.P.R.N., M.A., C.S.
Senior Associate Faculty, Antioch New England Graduate School
“An engaging book on a fascinating subject. . . . There is much here for the beginning clinician from a variety of disciplines, but the rewards for the more experienced interviewer are equally apparent. This book is not just informative, it challenges the reader to reflect on his or her own interviewing style and technique.”
Miles K. Crowder, M.D.
Director, Psychiatric Residency Program, Vanderbilt University
“Intensely practical, with a riveting chapter on the assessment of risk for suicide and homicide…Reviewers have a way of telling you that a good book is essential for every psychiatric library. this time it is really true.”
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry